[BraLUG] Fw: Re: StartUP

Sebastian Hübner seb.ffo at gmx.de
Do Sep 18 09:18:27 CEST 2014

Hallo Listen,

ein Bekannter möchte eine Online-Lernplattform aufbauen und fragte mich, ob ich fähige Webentwickler kenne.
Falls einer von euch interesse hat, hier ein Konzept des Ganzen. 
Garett ist englischsprachig, also sind grundlegende Englischkenntnisse sicher hilfreich.
Ob die Plattform LOSS ist kann ich dem Ganzen nicht entnehmen, darüber hatten wir noch nicht gesprochen.

Gruß, der seb!

PS: Ich schicke sowas sonst nicht über die Listen, aber ich dachte, dass es für den ein oder anderen interessant sein könnte - nur dieses eine Mal ...

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 12:46:40 +0200
From: Garrett Milliron <gradies at gmail.com>
To: Sebastian Hübner <sehuebne at uni-potsdam.de>
Subject: Re: StartUP

1. Executive Summary

1.1 Mission Statement

Lillypad is a learning management system with a focus on leveraging
peer-to-peer knowledge transfer and visually distributing hierarchical
content. Clients which utilize Lillypad's features and best practices can
effectively train employees in an increasingly efficient and sustainable
fashion. Our first products will be customized private packages and
training for our initial clients. However, Lillypad will ultimately launch
public services with the intention of disrupting education and freelancing
paradigms around the world.
The primary goals of Lillypad are to provide the fundamental technology
platforms required for integrated training and project management. These
platforms will allow businesses to better leverage internal company
resources, facilitate knowledge transfer between employees, enable longer
retention of valuable personnel, and decrease the loss of institutional
memory. The core technology has been designed to be minimalistic with
extensibility and personalization in mind, making it easy to adopt, and
ready for developments in training and project management trends,
particularly accommodating gamification.

1.2 Initial Plan

Lillypad will be marketed to individual corporation's R&D departments as a
unified learning management system (LMS) and learning content management
system (LCMS). The most striking change over existing solutions will be the
shift from an emphasis on courses to an emphasis on learning individual
concepts, thus removing the superfluous content found in many courses, and
allowing a much greater efficiency of training. Furthermore, the
prerequisite relationships between concepts are visualized using custom
Onezoom technology, enabling personalized learning paths which ensure
competency in necessary concept modules.
Each concept contained in a Lillypad instance will have a corresponding
test. When trainees complete the test with 100% accuracy their profile will
be updated with their achievement. This will ensure competency in necessary
subject matter and enable trainees to be added to a list of available
tutors which can be sought for guidance when other trainees are in need of
supplementary resources. In addition to driving peer-to-peer training
interactions, a trainee's list of learned concepts will be essential for
customizing the visualization of the concept tree, and useful for project
managers in need of individuals with specific expertise.

1.3 Long Term Goals

Working to provide for the needs of individual clients will produce
immediate revenue and feedback on the performance of our proposed learning
management paradigm, and allow us to immediately expand into an analogous
project management paradigm. Both of these core services will gain mutual
benefit from a shared employee profile which will collect the granular
details of their training and project involvements. The foundations of our
corporate management suite will be complete once we provide dashboards for
managers and accountants to track and compare the cost effectiveness of the
entire companies training and project initiatives. Furthermore, theses
services will enable individual growth and flexibility of personnel, which
will lead to greater employee retention and increased productivity.
By starting small and focusing on corporate management software, our
company will grow from an agile developer, making custom software packages,
to a web service provider of crowd-sourced content, comparable to Wikipedia
or the Khan Academy. Thriving from a collection of monetizable features in
an otherwise free web service, we ultimately aim to be used worldwide by
auto-didacs, schools, universities, freelancers, contractors, patent
lawyers, etc. as the definitive resource for gaining and applying knowledge.

On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 11:41 AM, Sebastian Hübner <sehuebne at uni-potsdam.de>

> Hi Garett,
> you can send your concept to me and I will forward it to our lists.
> Regards
> seb!
> --
> Dipl.-Chem. Sebastian Hübner
> Universität Potsdam
> Institut für Chemie
> Professur für Bioorganische Chemie (http://ag-wessig.chem.uni-potsdam.de)
> Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
> Haus 25, Raum E 1.17 (0331/977-5286)
> D-14476 Potsdam (Golm)

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