[BraLUG] amazon sucht: Software Developers / Software Manager / Software Directors

Ingo Schaefer ingo at ingo-schaefer.de
Sa Feb 16 10:34:19 CET 2013

Hallo allerseits,

mich erreichte eine Anfrage von amazon, die moeglicherweise fuer den
einen oder anderen von Euch interessant sein koennte.

Wer sich nicht angesprochen fuehlt, loesche die Mail bitte einfach.

Liebe Gruesse,

Dear Ingo,

We are having a hiring event the second week of March in Berlin,
Germany! I was contacting you to network with you and see if you knew
any amazing;

- Software Developers (mid – sr. level)
- Software Managers
- Software Directors

I realize you may not be looking for a job currently; so I do appreciate
you forwarding this to anyone in your network or posting this any
user-groups/forums you think people may notice it.

These positions are in Seattle and Berlin (please let me know your

For interested individuals -

[Step 1]
Let me know if you are already talking to another recruiter at Amazon OR
have in the past 12 months (phone / in person interview / please include
If you are currently in contact with a recruiter, please continue the
conversation with them.

[Step 2]
These are the basic qualifications we are looking:

A Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related technical discipline
Experience in object oriented languages like Java or C++ or C# (minimum
4 years professional experience)
Distributed processing architecture
Perl, SQL and experience with Linux
Knowledge of Javascript and common Javascript libraries
Preferable experience with distributed systems, algorithms, and
relational databases
Excellent debugging and troubleshooting skills

[Step 3]
If you fit these qualifications, please download and fill out this form
which highlight your skills:

[step 4] Email the *completed* FORM and send your RESUME to:
Email Subject: Amazon Recruiting – Berlin
email: Dakotta - dakottaa at amazon.com

[Step 5]
You should hear back from me in about 3-4 days.

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